Saturday, February 2, 2013

Life with two. Craziness. All. Day. Long.

 Some picture updates from late 
December 2012 & January 2013

 What's red, white, and sassy? 

 I'm one month old!

 "This is how I help, mom!"

 "Uh oh, bruhee, lost paci!"

 Izaiah and his great-grandma

 What in the what!? She actually fell asleep during a walk!

 Sorry son, you inherited my tiny & inverted chin and crazy eyebrow raising ability.

 Love baby yawns.



Thursday, January 17, 2013

Life with two - Updates

Loves to somewhat sleep during the day and most certainly not sleep during the night
He coos and it is so so sweet
Kick his legs like a little frog when excited, or upset during tummy time
Is gaining weight like a champ
Had his tongue tie fixed but opted to leave his lip tie alone for now
Is a heating pad, an overall very warm baby just like Izabella was
Mimics our smiles, sticking out our tongue, and our kisses
Has a crazy cranky stage every day between 3-5pm
Is still spitting up

Is saying 3-4 word sentences now
Will repeat any word you ask her to try to say and uses them later
Loves to play with her felt food, loves loves loves it
Snuggles with me and says "I love you ... tooo! Hehe" I just love it
Is really into hopping and jumping and skipping
Rides her ladybug scooter around the house
Uses her ladybug scooter as a stool to reach things she shouldn't on the counters (so stinkin' smart!)
Has a crazy cranky stage every day between 3-5pm
Has a crazy hyper stage at night between 6-8pm before she crashes
Is eating more and more foods we eat making meal time so much easier

Is doing very well at work, was top performer on his team for 2012
Got a new mountain bike after his old one died but 
hasn't been able to ride due to wet weather, bummer!
Misses Stag chili, chilighetti just isn't the same
Shaved his beard off
Loves lovin' on his two babies

Can fit into her pregnancy jeans! Complete with muffin top and all
Is learning how to balance two kids and give both enough love/attention
Is tired when she wakes up, at around 2pm and by 9pm
Misses working out
Misses Stag chili, chilighetti just isn't the same


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Another (little) one makes 4!

Remember this gorgeous & huge belly?

Do you recall this crazy, loving, fun "I'm an only child" face?

Fast forward two weeks to this:
Me: "They (contractions) are so close and strong, what's the eta on this little guy?"
Midwife: "Whenever you decide to really push and welcome him to the world."
Me: "So no actual eta then? Not sure how much longer I can do this!"

Me: "Get out of me!"

Me: "Oh hey little man, there you are, you are gorgeous, 
and I'm no longer in a great deal of pain. Lets ride this high of endorphins together! 
PS Thanks for having a smaller head than Izabella, I appreciate that!"

Welcome to the world Izaiah Lee! You were born at 4:27am 12.11.12 weighing 8.8 lbs. and were 21 in. long! You have a little hair, dark like your daddy's, you have my little chin, my eye and skin color, and a beautifully shaped head! Oh, and dad checked as soon as you came out, you are most certainly a boy!

Check out this amazing big sister smile of hers!


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Balance bike!!

Izabella's first real bike. She is makin' her daddy proud
The idea is that this bike, without pedals, will help her develop the proper balance to 
avoid training wheels when it is time to upgrade to a big girl bike. 
She loved it after about 5 minutes of "testing the water".


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Possibly a tree lighting, and some other goodies

We tried to partake in the annual Christmas Tree Lighting at Hurkamp Park downtown this past Friday. I'd say it was a holiday cheer fail. This is the best picture I have of that night. 'Nuff said.

It was said to start at 6pm. We walked there by 6:20pm and nothing was happening other than quite a few people/kids standing around looking antsy. Then Santa showed up on a fire truck and greeted people like he was on drugs. He then took the stage and gave the anxious crowd a speech about our towns history, starting his walk through time with events from 150 years ago, really? Can't you hear the kids screaming and babies crying?! We looked around to see if we could spy the tree they would be lighting. Nope, couldn't find one. We left and had a nice walk home through town. You can't see in the picture, but Izabella has a Scooby Doo Shirt on, and is holding a sequined purse of hers. Stylin'.
We stopped by to see my momma before heading to Grandma's house for Thanksgiving dinner. I didn't bring new flowers, daughter fail. Izabella got to meet her Grandma Sue for the first time though. She appropriately danced on her grave (without instruction to do so from us) and told her she loved her. "I yuv eew granma ooo". It melted my heart.

Little monster during game time Thanksgiving day. She was active to say the least. So many fragile/handle with care items at Grandma's house. Yikes. Enjoying my photo.graphy skills? Thought so.

Side note - 38 weeks with Izaiah!

Things accomplished:
I have packed my bag for baby go time.
I have organized the littles room.
Mattress purchased for Izaiahs bed.
Storage closet cleaned out in their room so it is usable now.
Got all the day of meds for Izaiah when he's born.

Need to:
Sew Izaiahs crib sheets
Organize sewing area. Cra.zy. Messy.
Make a few more frozen meals.

Leaving you with this:
What happens when your toddler gets a hold of the camera.


Monday, November 12, 2012

October goodness + a (big) belly shot

We are having so much fun watching Izabella grow and absorb things on a daily basis.
It is amazing how quickly her brain is developing at this age.
Izabella is saying so many things now. 
She is combining words together, her favorite is "More, please".
She is still using some signing for what she needs/wants.
She is learning her colors, and we are working on her fine motor
skills with stringing blocks and matching shape blocks with
their corresponding holes.
We are working on counting to 10. She refuses to say one, 
but loves two, three, five, nine and ten. She will say the others
with encouragement.
Her other favorite thing to say is "That's mine! Mine!"
She knows almost all of her body parts.

Picture recap of October

 Izabella likes to lay on Joshua's butt and snuggle. 
I promise I did not model this behavior. She does this all on her own!

 Family photo at the park!

 Leaves, leaves and more leaves!

 Izabella and her Papa at the pumpkin patch

 Family photo at the pumpkin patch

 Izabella and her Papa & Gigi

 Workin' it 80's style for Halloween

36 weeks belly shot, whoa baby!

Just for comparison, this was me at 33/34 weeks with Izabella.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Brooklyn: Family, Fun + Fall weather!

We got to spend four days in NYC with Chris, Erin and Stephanie this past weekend. It was so great to be with them and enjoy their neighborhood in this perfect fall weather. Stephanie flew with us (sans Joshua) which was a huge ginormous help to me. Thanks Steffi! We managed to fit into E+C's totally cool apartment and still love each other in the end, a successful trip I'd say!
These are the pictures I have for now thanks to Erin, more will be posted soon.

   E+Izzy walking in the park
                                                                      Izzy strolling These macarons were simply delish. Erin ran, literally, to get in line before closing so we could enjoy some sugary heaven after an afternoon/evening downtown. She is amazing!

We were able to eat out at some great places. We got to spend some time with Erins momma, Mrs. McManus, and grab some pizza and donuts with her. She gave Izabella some adorable knitted finger puppets which are made locally in Brooklyn and Izaiah now has some super cool striped socks! He will be stylin' n' profilin'! 

I'm so thankful for family and fun. I'm thankful for the great weather we had. For the awesome scenery in their neighborhood. For the incredible parks so close by. For the super cool Brooklyn Flea. Thankful that Izabella has aunts and an uncle who love her to pieces.  And even though Izabella was sick, and made Chris and Steffi sick, I'm pretty sure we all had a great time. 
Hope you all were able to recover quickly!
